Health Conditions - Asthma

The official website of the BEMER for INDIA

BEMER Therapy effects on Asthma

The therapeutic effects of the BEMER Impulse are based on the following proven basic mechanisms:

. Improvement of the (lung) blood circulation
. Improved oxygen intake and gas exchange
. Improved blood viscosity and better oxygen transport
. Deeper breathing through regulation and relaxation

Additional positive results can be achieved through anti-inflammatory, anti-edematosic, and decongestive effects due to the activation of repair proteins, improved and speedier wound healing, etc. The harmonising/relaxing impact on the autonomous nervous system and the bronchial musculature are significant factors in reducing bronchial hyperreagibility.

Information about Asthma

The cardiovascular and breathing systems regulate the external (gas exchange in the lungs) and internal (gas exchange between the blood and the cells) breathing so that all body cells are sufficiently provided with oxygen and that the resulting carbon dioxide is exhaled.

The deciding factors in providing for an optimal oxygen supply and the accompanying efficiency of the organism are an organically and functionally intact bronchial system and healthy lung tissue, as well as sufficient blood circulation and certain blood properties. This is in addition to a functioning breathing mechanism and normal environmental conditions. If one of these components is affected by a more or less major disorder or damage, then the oxygen supply will also be adversely affected. This can lead to a life-threatening situation. Conversely if these functions are improved, then the organism reacts positively to the improved oxygen supply. In addition to treatment for the various clinical patterns, an optimisation of the oxygen supply is gaining more adherents in the prevention and wellness fields.

All forms of bronchiopulmonal diseases that can be partially superimposed have one thing in common: they reduce the oxygen supply by one mechanism or another.

Bronchial asthma (Greek: breathlessness/shortage of breath) is a chronic inflammatory illness of the respiratory airways (bronchi). In those affected the bronchi overreact to certain irritants, thus causing acute swelling and increased mucus production in the mucous membrane and cramping of the bronchial musculature. The abruptly appearing symptoms include breathlessness with major difficulties in exhaling; whistling, rattling noises by exhalation; coughing and expectorating a glassy mucus; and in extreme cases fears of suffocation or death. During the course of the illness, single, acute attacks can lead to chronic coughing and breathlessness. Lung emphysema or pulmonary deficiency (Corpulmonale) can result from a serious, long term asthma illness.

Allergic (exogenic) bronchial asthma is a reaction to specific irritants. The most common allergens are pollen from trees or grasses, animal fur/hair, dust containing mite excrement, fungal spores, chemicals, food, etc. Non allergic asthma has a wide variety of elicitors, e.g. tobacco smoke, cold air, air pollution, stress or corporeal stress (exertive asthma). Bronchial asthma can be a result of viral or bacterial infections of the respiratory airways which can lead to endogenous asthma. The most important method of combating allergic asthma is to avoid all exposure to certain substances, which is not always possible, as in the case of pollen. It is also extremely important for asthmatics to be aware that in case of fever or pain that they cannot take any medication containing salicyl acetyl acid (ASS). These medications can provoke asthma attacks, the same as anti-rheumatic, cortisone-free medicine (NSAR) and beta blockers can.

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